The 13 Things You Must Do To Create A Happy Workplace

You spend nearly a quarter of any week at your workplace, so don’t waste those hours feeling miserable. Even if your work is demanding, you can still have fun — and feel fulfilled — at the office. Try these tips to help get you started. 1. Create a positive routine to start the day How you begin your day... Continue Reading →

7 tips for mastering Instagram for business

Instagram has over 700 million monthly active users, less competition and a more engaged audience than other social media giants like Facebook or Twitter This presents businesses with an opportunity to market their products to a more targeted and interested audience without spending an enormous amount of money on paid advertising. As of January 2018, Instagram's API... Continue Reading →

5 Iconic Dishes of Chennai

Food-a-holics can expect to discover culinary gold in Chennai. The city is famous for its authentic South Indian food. Traditional recipes passed down generations can be found on the menu of almost every eatery in town. Go on a mouthwatering gastronomic adventure and bite into these five iconic dishes in Chennai. Kuzhi Paniyaram A dough... Continue Reading →

12 style hacks every man should know

Life’s hard. In between getting along with your boss, having a social life, paying rent on time and generally just being a grown-ass adult, it’s a wonder we have any time to sleep or the brain capacity to remember our underwear. Even looking at your best costs time and money. So to save you a... Continue Reading →

10 exciting ways to kill boredom

1. Doodle. You never know, you might end up with a masterpiece. 2. Blast a fast-paced beat from your stereo and dance. It shakes you out of monotony and surges you with enough energy to conquer the world. 3.pour out your thoughts the old-fashioned way by writing down everything and anything that’s on your mind.... Continue Reading →

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